Datenanalyse, Personalthemen, Produktionslogistik

LogGlobal III

Integrating logistic capabilities and employment level into distributed manufacturing systems along global supply chains
Laufzeit: Mai 2012 bis April 2014
In present manufacturing systems, information concerning logistic capabilities and employment level are not appropriately utilised to determine most effective production plans. Therefore, cost and leadtime savings obtained with new global manufacturing strategies might be impaired due to the unbalanced, unsynchronised and unstable integration of production and logistic flows. The research focuses on improving informational interfaces between distributed manufacturing and logistic systems along global supply chains. Within the framework of project LogGlobal five Brazilian research subprojects on complementary topics of production and logistics integration will be pursued, namely: dynamic approach to cargo transport and logistics distribution; integrative framework for monitoring logistic and production capabilities and technologies; analysis of the interrelation between technology and efficiency in the logistics industry; proposition of a transport transaction system between exporting manufacturers and off-shore carriers; and, investigation of inter-organisational relationships and managing policies in supply networks. Together, the German and Brazilian research subprojects will contribute to the development of concepts and technologies that support a balanced integration of manufacturing and logistics.
Universität Bremen
Mai 2012 bis April 2014
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